A Cat I Know

A Cat I Know
by cricketjeff on June 21, 2015.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
A cat I know, called Merlin, keeps my daughter on her toes,
He loves to bring her presents, and to bite her on her nose.
He miaows when he wants Dreamies or when someone’s in his seat
Or if he’s found some chicken, then for now his life’s complete.

When Merlin’s busy prowling not a mouse or squirrel’s safe
If neighbours are too fussy then they’d best protect each waif,
Likes chasing balls of papers or a toy with feathered ends
He would love to own a jungle but without he just pretends.

If he’s missing when she needs him she will check each box and bag
If she’s missing near his mealtimes he’ll be sure to come and nag,
He may let you play with lasers, give you treats, perhaps a hug
But when all is done and dusted he just wants his well trained mug.

There’s a cat I know called Merlin, he is beautiful and large
And he loves my only daughter but she’s not the one in charge.
He will let her stop him sleeping if she needs to have a play
But I’ve seen the way he’s trained her, he’s a cat who gets his way!
