A foot and a half!
by cricketjeff on August 1, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
The largest and finest the butcher had made
The meat was the choicest the spices select
No better example was ever displayed
So that was the sausage we had to inspect
He landed in Clapham and asked for a feed
Or he would be blasting our whole world apart
So clearly the Earth was in terrible need
The sight of this sausage gave every one heart
We coiled it and fried it and served it with mash
No Martian has ever seen vittles like this
You can’t serve a visitor any old trash
This sausage would cause any epicure bliss
A sausage that’s sesquipedalian
Results in a well fed alien
Author notes
A very informal sonnet to include the word sesquipedalian (which means
something a foot and a half long)