A Man I know

A Man I know
by cricketjeff on July 22, 2015.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
A man I know went walking after dark
And met the strangest creature in the park,
The man, his name is Smeaton,
Found the creature hadn’t eaten,
So leapt into its stomach for a lark.

The creature was surprised, to say the least –
Anticipating quite a pleasant feast
But Smeaton made him queasy,
The digestion wasn’t easy,
Even for a strangely vicious, snarling beast.

He should have been alerted by the scent,
For Smeaton’s fundamentalist by bent.
He holds views no beast could swallow,
As he always loves to wallow,
In the darkest pools of ignorant discontent.

At last we know how such as Smeaton thrive,
Although they are amongst the worst alive,
Unpalatable bleeders
Seem to fools ideal leaders
And every year our standards seem to dive!

Author notes
This was originally written to refer to a “friend of a friend’s friend”, a keen
Tea Party follower, creationist, anti-gay, pro-lifer-unless-we-are-talking-abo
  ut-unarmed-black-men-in-Florida-sub   urbs-or-sellers-of-untaxed-cigarett  
es; and the line “For Smeaton’s fundamentalist by bent” was rendered “For
Smeaton was Republican by bent”. However I am not an American and such idiots
are not limited to those across the pond (although they have sported a fine
selection!). Nor to the right of politics.

Any man (male or female) who knows he is right, is guaranteed to be wrong, and
that includes me!
