A Sonnet for our Times

A Sonnet for our Times
by cricketjeff on October 19, 2015.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
In modern times some words have altered meanings
And ancient truths are now portrayed as lies.
Before you read please check the writer’s leanings,
Most journalists are spokesmen in disguise.

“Promoting Art” now means “Protecting Luddites”
“Plain language” now means twisting every word.
We have to bend to aid stick-in-the-mud-ites
Thus copyrights and patents are absurd.

“The rule of law” was meant to help the small guy.
To curb the bully’s claim that might is right.
But now it’s there to find an easy fall guy
And lay the blame on those who cannot fight.

We voted for a gang of lying fools
Now we must pay for letting them change rules!

Author notes
In a World where an animation of a simple bolt as a locking/unlocking device is
“novel” where extending copyright by decades will encourage long dead writers
to write more and where videoing policemen beating up peaceful members of the
public is a terrorist act that undermines public safety we may need some new
