A thunderstorm

A thunderstorm
by cricketjeff on May 5, 2008.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
The mood is heavy, overcast,
A charge is in the air.
With tension building very fast,
Excitement everywhere.

The warm wet droplets strike the skin
Like drum beats in each soul.
A new adventure can begin
With pure release the goal.

A lightning strike ignites the fire
A jolt to start the game,
The thunderclap of raw desire
So nature takes the blame.

In howling wind the flames take hold,
The rain cannot compete.
A lightning thrust inside the fold,
A thunderous burst of heat.

Increasing pace of flash on flash,
The darkest recess lit.
The heavens echo to the crash
As jigsaw pieces fit.

The largest flash, that scream is you.
Responding to my roar.
The mighty flood as storm breaks through
Has knocked us to the floor.

The aftermath, the storm dies down;
We clutch as lovers will.
That TV weatherman’s a clown;
“Tonight all’s calm and still.”

Author notes
A thunderstorm as an erotic metaphor in 20-30 lines for a challenge entry.
