Accidental Damage.

Accidental Damage.
by cricketjeff on February 22, 2011.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
An accident means that I’ll never play cricket
For England, to national acclaim.
I won’t bowl the ball that will take the last wicket,
To win us the most vital game.
It’s hard when you know you were robbed of the chance
To fly to the stars or to lead the last dance.

An accident means that I can’t be the skipper
Who lifts up the cup for the crowd;
Although I shall try to stay focussed and chipper,
I ought to be screaming out loud.
It’s tough when your dreams have been shattered by fate,
That crawling imposter most sane men should hate.

And accident means I’m condemned to just watching,
When things on the field go astray.
When wins can’t be found and collapses need scotching
I wish it were my turn to play.
It kills me to know things won’t go as they should
The accident? Oh, it’s that I’m not much good!
