Acrostically promising passion

Acrostically promising passion
by cricketjeff on November 29, 2007.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Tory the Acrostic Queen
On this site is often seen
Reader of all verse we write
You may see her tonight

Writing comments for each friend
Rhyming them her latest trend
I have seen many that she’s posted
To the poems I have hosted
Every one is great to read
She’s a poets friend indeed!

Great to see her honoured here
Rhymes and free verse to bring cheer
Each of us who know her well
Acknowledge that her work is swell
This acrostic praise I write

Almost kept me up all night
Can’t compete acrostically
Rhyming is my thing you see
Over to you other folk
See if you outdo this bloke
Tory is a lovely poet
I’m sure all who know her know it
Can not fit a lot more in
So I’ll see if this will win!
Author notes
I know PassionsPromise writes a lot more than acrostics but how much can you
fit in?
Now a fixed version
