Almost Tomorrow

Almost Tomorrow
by cricketjeff on October 9, 2015.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
It isn’t quite tomorrow but the sun’s begun to stir
And silver specks of starlight slowly fade into the blur.
The Moon is beaming lightly but the hours she owns are done
Soon daylight will arrive to spoil the fun.

It isn’t quite tomorrow but my lips already miss
The taste of candied spices in the passion of your kiss.
My bed is calling softly but I can’t forget the night
And how you turned the darkness into light.

It’s finally tomorrow golden highlights dress the trees
A blackbird’s singing magic to his lady on the breeze.
My head’s lost in its pillow Morpheus is on his way
Now I’ll dream of how you’ll gild my life today

Every moment of tomorrow is a gift I long to hold
While you spin and weave the future from a past of liquid gold
As the years we share cocoon us I shall never cease to be
Just a man who can’t believe that you’re with me.

