Amera\’s getting wed!

Amera’s getting wed!
by cricketjeff on May 14, 2009.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved

To some she is the Queen of Form
To others she’s “The Pest”
Some verse she writes is soft and warm
The rest is just “The Best”
And now new challenge lies ahead
Amera’s getting wed!

All night she’s fighting saving lives
Of children who fall ill
And then all day this poet strives
To slay us with her quill
Now she has things to do instead
Amera’s getting wed!

She’ll write a sonnet touched by love
And kyrielles of doom
A quatern for the stars above
Then pantoums full of gloom
Now poetry flies from her head
Amera’s getting wed!

While Erick holds his perfect prize
And what a prize he’s won
She’ll still fill fans with many sighs
And cavalcades of fun
This news won’t mean her writing’s dead
Amera’s getting wed!

If she’s your Queen or she’s your friend
I’m glad that she is mine
You know that this is not the end
So raise a glass of wine
Amera you’re a thoroughbred
So sod off and get wed!
