An assignation
by cricketjeff on July 9, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
She waits for me beside the garden wall
Small wonder that is where I want to be
Tall hollyhocks arranged so they can’t see
We are not there to talk of plants at all
No prying eyes to watch us as we kiss
This is the greatest feeling I can know
Miss English has arranged a little show
So I would not forget this time of bliss
And when she had disrobed I held her tight
Light slaps upon her bum with either hand
Right now I knew the deeds that she had planned
Tanned hard and then she would be treated right
I knelt behind her then I heard her sigh
“Try not to make me scream, I’m rather shy”
Author notes
I hope it’s an alternate English sonnet (abba cddc effe gg) with Princess rhyme
as proposed by PerVirtuous (head rhymes baab dccd feef gg).
Not happy with it posting so people can tell me where I’m going wrong