An Enigma
by cricketjeff on February 24, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
More puzzles forming in the mind
All wrapped in words that seem to flow
A real life that’s left behind
What do we know?
New riddles asked in poetry
And placed on here for one and all
With answers that are hard to see
Or to recall
Questions asked of those I need
Testing for the weakest link
All are placed at highest speed
In dark green ink
What is the force that drives me on
To write in verse of what I feel
Are there still dreams to feed upon
Or is it real?
Middle aged well passed my prime
I thought that life had passed me by
And then I showed the world my rhyme
Now I can fly!
Author notes
Cricketjeff, an Enigma
This didn’t come out as I wanted and may be replaced in the contest later.