AP Fantasy

AP Fantasy
by cricketjeff on October 21, 2008.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
A golden eagle soars above the trees
Where deer are nightly sheltered from the snow
A lonely man is walking through the breeze
And wishes there was more he had to show

A single girl is walking down the street
Past shops she doesn’t see each night at six
She wonders is there someone she will meet
When you are on your own what is the fix?

The internet is flicking into life
Two sonnets stream across the great divide
An AP hubby messages his wife
She grins and welcome all his words inside

Two lonely folk have found they can be free
By living in a world of poetry

Author notes
Just for fun [Posts%20by%20cricketjeff%203_files/happy.gif] A Shakespearean
sonnet for all the AP couples out there!
