by cricketjeff on March 27, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
The leather book I slipped inside your case
Contains a sonnet for each day apart
In violet ink, the contents of my heart
And ev’ry word put carefully in place
The ring I hid for you to find so soon
A simple box with just one thing inside
I knew the perfect place for it to hide
When you are sad you have to play that tune
Upon my hand the gold appears so pale
A single diamond like a drip of dew
Each time I see my hand I think of you
And of the love we share that cannot fail
First on my wall I traced your silhouette
A crisp black line to show your lovely face
With ev’ry subtle feature in its place
I clasp your book and read and can’t forget
The ceiling fan revolves above my head
I know the words that you will read each day
For in my heart each poem has to stay
I listen to your voice as we’re in bed
The texture of my sheets is like your skin
I hear your voice in ev’ry line I read
I gobble up each sonnet in my greed
And know that in the end we have to win
I/You will know the answer when we meet
And then my love our lives can be complete
Author notes
Interlocking sonnets, his and hers with (almost) shared couplet to end