Aunty Lien

Aunty Lien
by cricketjeff on April 26, 2008.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Each Christmas time Aunt Lien comes to stay
We do not look to Christmas here with glee
Aunt Lien tends to keep our friends away
She’s not the fairest lady you will see
She only eats the postman if he’s late
Though Carol singers know they shouldn’t call
The bank clerks never seem to make her wait
And nobody is rude to her at all
Her looks though do not tell you what she’s like
She’s sweet and caring, loves my Sis and me
She taught the two of us to ride a bike
And leaves the biggest presents by the tree
But none of this makes up for Aunty’s breath
And after just one kiss you beg for death!
Author notes
Not all fearsome monsters are from outer space.
