Be mine tonight
by cricketjeff on June 22, 2009. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Be mine tonight when you are all alone
Relax and close your eyes, I shall be there
You’ll feel me floating to you on the air
When all your care and suffering has flown
Be mine tonight and feel me at your side
Together in the world of lover’s dreams
Though we’re apart inside this meeting seems
A intimate encounter undenied
I’m yours tonight please hold me in your heart
Bring me to places I could never know
Where love like ours has all it needs to grow
Tomorrow says we’ll never be apart
Be mine tonight when you are all alone
When all your care and suffering has flown
Author notes
I’m told this is a “Swannet sonnet” iambic pentameter rhymed A1bbA2 cddc effe
A1A2, with A1 and A2 being repeated rhymes.