Bonfire of insanities
by cricketjeff on October 27, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
There are rockets shells and bangers all around
There are stars of green and mauve and orange too
There is nowhere that’s not filled with dreadful sound
There are fogs and smokes of every haunted hue
With a whoosh and with a wail of urgent action
With explosions overhead and down below
With my head about to burst into a fraction
With the moon ashamed to fight against the glow
Every house it seems has spawned a little army
Every Hindu in the town is off to war
Every year Divali drives the people barmy
Every day they seem to spend a little more
When it’s time that Guy Fawkes’ effigy needs burning
When it’s bonfire night the ancient English way
When we’ve finish letting shops do all this earning
When we’ve finally completed all this play
Then each night will seem so tranquil and so normal
Then each evening will be safe to take a walk
Then the world can once again be flat and formal
Then at last it will be possible to talk!!!
Author notes
It seems like I live in a war zone at this time of year!