Changing times

Changing times
by cricketjeff on August 17, 2010.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
This mirror is terribly wrinkled,
Its colours are fading away;
All regions of black are now sprinkled
With silvery patches of grey.

The floors of my rooms are receding,
My feet may soon be out of reach —
And radio shows are proceeding
To change all their music to screech.

Most buses now drive so much faster,
I can’t catch them up when I run,
And kids with a large water blaster
Are no longer sources of fun.

The ways of the world keep on changing,
While I keep on staying the same,
And while all of life’s rearranging
I’m looking for someone to blame.

It can’t be that I’m getting older,
I still feel the same as I did,
In the eyes of beheld not beholder
I’m just a misunderstood kid!
