Chewing the Silver Spoon

Chewing the Silver Spoon
by cricketjeff on February 8, 2021.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
When he was three his mother cooked his dinner,
She wiped his bum, and helped him blow his nose.
He’s forty now but isn’t quite a winner,
Wears slip-on shoes since he can’t manage bows.

When he was eight his father used to drive him,
Did up his belt and made sure he was safe.
In adult life so many things deprive him,
But he won’t let these difficulties chafe.

At seventeen he dated Mum’s friends’ daughters
He went to work at Daddy’s family firm.
He never tackled life’s unfriendly waters
The thought of being useful made him squirm.

Now he’s the boss the company’s going bust
Success in life requires a little thrust.

Author notes
Naming no names …
