Christmas crime ring

Christmas crime ring
by cricketjeff on December 17, 2007.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Down the chimney old  Santa came crashing
With a sack full of toys simply smashing
But it wasn’t a joke
For the now broke old bloke
Whose cheques naughty Santa’s been cashing!

This reckless new style Robin hood
Is held as an icon of good
It is not right to laud
An elf guilty of fraud
Just for wearing a fur lined red hood

A grouchy old rabbit “E. Bunny”
Says that it should be his money
Candies and sweets
And chocolate treats
Would make the whole springtime seem sunny

A fairy who looks for old teeth
(Did she ever visit you Keith?)
Said if she had the cash
That she’s leave a stash
On each pillow, no better beneath

The judge in the case looked quite stern
Said that these crooks must all learn
This isn’t a fantasy
The money is Santa’s see
The rest of you get out and earn!
Author notes
Santa was found not guilty the man who claimed they were his cheques turned out
to be someone called G.Rinch and the cheques were all planted on Santa.
