Composed outsite a club near Westminster Bridge April 2nd 2009

Composed outsite a club near Westminster Bridge April 2nd 2009
by cricketjeff on April 6, 2009.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Earth has not anything to show more fair
Who but a fool ignores so fine a sight
Arrayed to give a gentleman delight
A beauty meant for all the world to share
They may as well be walking in the bare
As don the clothes they choose to wear by night
Quite transparent to shafts of UV light
There is no doubt that they are well aware.
The Moon has never lit more fine a crowd
When setting out across her midnight sky
The blonde in front is really well endowed
And sits so very easy on the eye
Dear God! Are such displays as this allowed?
Seems none of them has heard the phrase “I’m shy”

Author notes
A parody of William Wordsworth’s Composed_Upon_Westminster_Bridge_September_3
Dorothy wasn’t with him this time …
