
by cricketjeff on February 1, 2011.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
It’s hard not to eat when the house smells of cake
Just breathing you’re sure you’ll get fatter
But nothing can beat the allure of a bake
So calories really don’t matter
The crumbs give a hint of the pleasures to come
When slice after slice makes it’s way to your tum

I piled in the butter, the sugar, the eggs
The flour and the rich cocoa powder
I hope that my body has grown hollow legs
The call of the cake’s getting louder
I’ll trim off a burnt bit nobody will know
And even it up so the theft doesn’t show …

I’ve shut it away, let it cool on a rack
Tomorrow I’ll start on the icing
I’ll try to resist the temptation to snack
But hot chocolate cake’s so enticing
I always make extra, there’s shrinkage it seems
It’s not ’cause I sneak in to nourish my dreams!
