
by cricketjeff on September 25, 2010.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
O-U-G-H says “off” in cough
But also “ow” in plough
So some reformers like to scoff
And start a holy row

That’s row with “ow” not row with “owe”
You need to concentrate
You can’t say “No, don’t need to know”
Or you’ll be in a state

Now state of course will rhyme with eight
And eyot sounds just the same
There’s weight and wait and fate and fete
It’s real and not a game

My aim’s to tame this ship of shame
Unwind the Gaudian knot
It’s history that is to blame
For all the Tommy rot

Consider yacht or kilowatt
And then please make a wish
I’m going to put you on the spot
Show me how this spells ghoti!

Author notes
It’s too well known for me to offer prizes but if you don’t know how it works
(or what it says) there are clues all around

Have fun!

