Home from the war
by cricketjeff on January 26, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
The first time that I heard you speak my name
I felt that I was born again as new.
From that day on I could not stay the same,
Every second of my life was now for you.
I couldn’t see you when I should have done,
Was not my choice to fight that bloody war.
Of things I could have lost, you are the one,
That truly I believe worth fighting for.
Demobbed and heading home by train at last.
I saw your mother’s face and then I knew,
That all my time of waiting had now passed
And I would see my one and only you.
She held you in her arms, you called me “Dad?”
And in that very second I was had
I smiled and I was glad
The fears I brewed while fighting far away
Were melted into love that very day
Author notes
#3 – Meeting someone who changes your ENTIRE life
OK well it isn’t my entire life because I met my daughter in the act of being
born and have never fought a war!
Oh and if you care it’s a Caudate sonnet, as written by Milton, like me he was
long-winded and didn’t know when to stop.