How Much Wood Would Your Woodchuck chuck

How Much Wood Would Your Woodchuck Chuck if your Woodchuck Would Chuck
by cricketjeff on February 23, 2017.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
When picking good wood for your woodchuck
Consider what’s wooden he could chuck
Some people you see
Pick a bloody great tree
That’s not even wood that he should chuck

As soon as your woodchuck starts chucking
Your role in the game’s to start ducking
‘Cause a woodchuck set free
Chucks a great quantity
Non-duckers are in for a schmucking!

And now for your question, let’s pin it
Once woodchuck has chucked for a minute
Consider the pile
That your ‘chuck could compile
And measure the wood he chucked in it!

Author notes
Sorry got carried away and did three [Posts%20by%20cricketjeff%201_files/
