I shall die

I shall die
by cricketjeff on January 29, 2010.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
I shall die, as all men must, and then there’ll be no more
Of fumbled thoughts and unconsidered dreams.
I’ll settle down but not awake, my heart will not be sore,
For death is just as simple as it seems.

Yes, I shall die, at time’s decree and leave the world alone;
To bumble on the best way that it can.
There isn’t much to mark the place when all we have has flown,
What is the final measure of a man?

And when I die, as die I shall, what will I leave behind?
No man can truly know his legacy.
My only wish, would be to leave a smile inside the mind,
Of everyone who found a friend in me.

And when I die, my final thought will be a thought of you,
The only thought that I could never leave.
You changed my life with measured words and made the world seem new,
Live on my love, don’t ever stop to grieve.
