[ I sit and wait with heavy heart ]

[ I sit and wait with heavy heart ]
by cricketjeff on July 11, 2008.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
I sit and wait with heavy heart
For news from far away.
Each message flash I have to start
to see what’s there to say.

The canker that has gripped her life
is holding far too strong,
Has she the strength for all the strife
this fight goes on too long.

No way will it hold me under   
I inhaled his warm breath. 
My heart is a roar of thunder   
that wont be put to death. 
Worry not my precious lover     
the grip is not too strong.   
You know I shall recover
by your side I belong.

Within a moment I see black
and fear has gripped my soul.
Yet I hear your voice & straight back
I fly with such control.

Your the love that keeps me going
when darkness tightens grip.
Then without us even knowing
we beat a painful trip.

Author notes
The first two stanzas were typed by me into a messenger window and read to
PassionPromise in a coma, when she came out of it it was to type the reply.
