If he had died

If he had died
by cricketjeff on October 22, 2012.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
If he had died then I’d be free to grieve
And give my heart to all those who remain
But what he’s done is so hard to believe

Now I can see that I was too naive
Too swift to trust too eager for the gain
If he had died then I’d be free to grieve

He lived a lie intending to deceive
My certainties are flowing down the drain
But what he’s done is so hard to believe

I’ve lost a love that I cannot retrieve
But other loves still forge a stronger chain
If he had died then I’d be free to grieve

Perhaps in time all evil webs unweave
And through the mists we see the ugly stain
But what he’s done is so hard to believe

There’s so much more that I must still achieve
And those who’re left will help me through the pain
If he had died then I’d be free to grieve
But what he’s done is so hard to believe

Author notes
Dedicated to my four fantastic kids, my wife, my mother, my brothers, sister
and friends, each of them sharing the loss to a greater or lesser degree.
