I’ll give it a go
by cricketjeff on February 28, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
I live in an exciting time
In just a year I’ve made a climb
From doggerel to verse sublime
I live to rhyme, I love to rhyme
A friend convinced me that I should
Come out from underneath my hood
Make sure that it is understood
I am quite good, I am quite good
Good advice I never spurn
I came on here so I could learn
I bask in any praise I earn
It is my turn! It is my turn!
Not helping others is a sin
So to that end I shall begin
To help you get your verses in
I want to win! I want to win!
Author notes
This is a “monotetra” think of it as a Sapphic ode with mono-rhyme and repeat
the last line.
I may play with this again, exact repeats of the 4 syllable hemistitch seem
wasteful to me.
Being me I have very slightly broken the rules, do repeats have to be exact? I
like it as I have written it but if you wish read the first and last repeats
with the second half doubled missing the first.