Impossible Question

Impossible Question
by cricketjeff on July 14, 2010.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
We met and then the world was new,
We kissed and everything was changed
And now you want life rearranged —
How can I find a way to not love you?

You raised me to a better view,
A vantage point above the clouds,
Above the mean and milling crowds —
How can I find a way to not love you?

Your eyes no longer fill with dew,
You want to take away those years,
Whilst I still bathe in all the tears —
How can I find a way to not love you?

We met and then the world was new;
How can I find a way to not love you?

Author notes
While playing with writing a kyrielle sonnet I tried something slightly
different. I liked the repeat but preferred iambic pentameter for the subject
matter I was dealing with and I wanted a rhyming couplet, this A1bbA2 accA2
addA3 A1A2 rhyme scheme gave me that and others appeared to like the structure
and have written the form, now called an “echo sonnet”.
There is no need, I usually prefer not to, to use exactly the same repeating
line, but at least the rhyming word should be. A slowly developing line is
often effective, I hope the perfect repeats here work for you.
