In Spring’s Final Snow
by cricketjeff on January 21, 2009. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
A crocus nods above the snow
A yellow flash on winter white
It sees all that there is to know
The poet sits to see the scene
And paints a picture so serene
His eyes see beauty all around
The pristine white that coats the ground
He misses what the crocus sees
Possessing superficial sight
The Earth has caught a dread disease
The snow can hide what man has brought
The blight his arrogance has wrought
The crocus knows his kin are dead
A fly tip standing in their stead
Author notes
Not a form I know, nor one I think I shall grow to love. but I have done my
best, I believe this is the “French” form, I have used iambic tetrameter though
in French of course the meter is much softer.
Both a budding flower and an aha moment …