It Must Be Right to Cry
by cricketjeff on March 11, 2018. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Long years have passed, and nothing lasts forever.
Hold tight to what remains it’s yours to keep.
The rope to what you had’s not yours to sever
Because its time for other hearts to sleep.
Not every day can bring a bed of roses,
But you’ll still see the daisies on the lawn.
The hope of youth too swiftly decomposes
And promise for tomorrow is withdrawn.
But life still brings us new exciting phases
There’s more to do and other sights to see
Though these are merely trite unworthy phrases
I know you’ve yet to live more poetry.
At times like these it must be right to cry,
But memories still help your daydreams fly.
Author notes
For Sue Cardwell with love and condolences