Jessica\’s Poem

Jessica’s Poem
by cricketjeff on April 26, 2020.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
When Jessica’s playing with water and sand
Or sat at a table with paint in her hand
She knows what she’s doing and knows what to do
And Jessica says “Choo Choo!”

She knows where the snacks are, but Daddy forgets
She has to remind him or sometimes he frets
If she’s in her high chair then it’s time for food
She’ll eat some but some must be strewed

The books in the box will need sorting she’s sure
She won’t want to read those she’s left on the floor
Where’s Hairy McLairy, and the book with the swings
Ah here’s one that happily sings

It’s Jessica’s World and she grows up each day
Always learning new words and more great games to play
Reads books for her teddies to teach them to talk
But she’s not sure she’s ready to walk

A noise at the door may mean parcels to tear
Or bunnies with chocolates she won’t want to share
But after a day filled with games, books and bread
Now Jessica’s ready for bed!
Author notes
Jessica is my almost 18 month old granddaughter. Please bear in mind that
however bad my poem is, she’s perfect!

The first stanza did say
When Jessica’s playing with water and sand
Or sat at a table with paint in her hand
She knows what she’s doing and knows what to do
Her world is near perfect and new

But when read the poem for the first time Jessica said “Choo Choo” at that
point, already a critic and a poet!
