Latest Craze

Latest Craze
by cricketjeff on April 24, 2018.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
As natural as botulinum toxin
As safe as sharing fish soup with a shark
You may as well pick grizzly bears for boxin’
Or treat a lightning strike as “just a spark”

I know you have to find new things to thrill you
That “Real Life” can’t be enough for you
But paying twice the price for drinks that kill you
Has got to be a crazy thing to do

I’m sure that additives aren’t always needed
And mono-sodium glutimate’s a curse
But please ensure that common sense is heeded
Since nature has a million things far worse.

Dilute rat’s piss to send all fools to hell –
Raw water from a spring or ancient well

Author notes
If you wanna make yuppies rich and yourself ill …

But I must admit to drinking “raw water” straight from Lakeland springs when
walking, but from a bottle that cost £5 — I’m not THAT mad!
