Lifting the Siege

Lifting the Siege
by cricketjeff on September 11, 2010.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
The sky is overcast and heavy air
Condemns us all to suffering today.
The sweat-box tube has misery to share
As London’s diverse tempers start to fray.

Sweet tempered lambs turn into angry rams
And fighting bulls are born in human herds
Frustration boils in long immobile jams
Where shrieking horns are met by angry words.

The day turns black before a crash and flash
Transforms the overbearing atmosphere
A laugh or smile arrives with every splash
And fighting friends abandon rows for beer

A thunderstorm’s the sweetest fastest cure
For humid hells we rat-racers endure

Author notes
I LOVE a good storm [Posts%20by%20cricketjeff%202_files/grin.gif]
