by cricketjeff on September 1, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Then she closed the book of dreams and locked it tight
And with dragon breath the key was burnt away
Now the fairy of my soul has died tonight
And I’ve dreamt my final dream is all she’ll say
When you walked away from me the magic died
And she closed the book of dreams and locked it tight
So now all that’s left to me is “run and hide”
I can’t see there’ll ever be another light
All my life I’ve had her dreams safe in my sight
But my fairy and her dragon are no more
Now she’s closed the book of dreams and locked it tight
And my soul is left expiring on the floor
There’s such hardship in a life without a dream
And the spark I thought was me has died of fright
When you walked I wonder if you heard my scream
As you slammed my book of dreams and locked it tight
Author notes
Looking closely at the beautiful picture
BOOK OF DREAMS by=manips-of-artist2
You will see the book is finished, that is the back cover. Hence the poem …
Oh the form, well it is sort of based on a Quatern, but they have 8 syllable
lines and the repeating line should be more exactly repeated (small variations
are allowed and expected). Here I just picked a meter I liked and went with
that, changing the line just enough for each stanza.
You may find the meter a little awkward, try reading it like this …
Then she CLOSED | the book of DREAMS | and locked it TIGHT
Just three stresses on each line