Lone Star

Lone Star
by cricketjeff on April 16, 2008.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
The demons that my lady fights
Have magic dark and grim
And if she can’t set all to rights
She’ll have no chance to swim

The battles that she knows she’ll face
The fights so hard and long
Would chase a lesser from her place
Yet Tory is too strong

For all her life she’s fought for right
With that we all concur
She’s in my thoughts all day and night
And that’s my love for her

Her friends are near and wish her well
We can’t fight at her side
But in this verse I hope I’ll tell
The truth I feel inside

You are a light that shines so bright
You’ve talent, love and grace
So Tory please keep up your fight
You’re one we can’t replace

A poet, friend and lover too
To many and to me
I wish I could recover you
And set your body free

There is no other soul like you
Complete in all you are
So here I set my love so true
You are the real lone star
Author notes
I have no supernatural beliefs so a prayer would be a lie This then is my
offering to Tory. We are all with you girl, if we could fight with you we
