
by cricketjeff on April 30, 2008.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Dundee’s where she wields her pen,
It’s seldom raised in praise of men,
Save ancient ones beyond my ken.

Words, the weapons of her play,
Aren’t given chance to disobey.
Her brilliance is everyday

Sis a poet of renown
Who wants to steal her sonnet crown
A brother struggles further down

Form or free verse you can choose
She counts her beans and pays her dues
This poetess will never lose

All Poetry is where she writes
And Mairi bheag the name in lights

Author notes
A St George’s Sonnet in praise of the creator of the form.

Mairi describes this as lines in the form,

four triplets

Trochee Trochee amphimacer
iamb iamb iamb iamb
iamb iamb iamb iamb
Four times

and a couplet
Trochee Trochee amphimacer
iamb iamb iamb iamb

With a rhyme scheme aaa bbb ccc ddd ee

In de DAH terms that is

DAH de DAH de DAH de DAH
de DAH de DAH de DAH de DAH
de DAH de DAH de DAH de DAH
Four times

DAH de DAH de DAH de DAH
de DAH de DAH de DAH de DAH

I think this is over complication
Think of it as straight iambic tetrameter and drop the first weak syllable in
each stanza, including the couplet.

Since I managed to get it wrong so many times, I shall repeat FOUR (4)
triplets, not 3!!! (My excuse is I am getting old)
