Make America Great Again
by cricketjeff on August 27, 2018. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Give Twomp-Twomp a kick up the rump
When congressmen climb on the stump
Make America great?
Don’t mumble just state
“It’s easy, impeach Donald Trump!”
Most presidents tell many lies
To voters this ain’t a surprise
But once in a while
Tell the truth, make us smile
When the bullshit is over your eyes.
Vlad Putin is not a great man
Kim Jong-un just cares for his clan
But Latino workers
Aren’t rapists and shirkers
It’s corrupt business friends you should ban
This poem could fill many pages
And keep me from sleeping for ages
But this is enough
Of the negative stuff
Just hope mid-term voters are sages!
Author notes
I wouldn’t normally interfere in another nations woes, but sadly he can’t
destroy just his small bit of the World without crippling the rest of it.