Mine Tonight
by cricketjeff on June 30, 2009. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Be mine tonight, I need to know you love me
Your body and your mind are in my dreams
I want to see you smiling up above me
And making life much better than it seems
Be mine tonight make loving all that matters
And kiss me as I’ve not been kissed before
Each little glance you give me always flatters
You are the girl I’ve learned I must adore
Be mine tonight make me your body’s owner
I’ll treat it well and pay you back in kind
Too long I’ve ended days a cheerful loner
It’s time we came together in your mind
I’m yours tonight if you desire to claim me
I’d never dream of turning you away
A single touch would certainly inflame me
With dreams of spending hours in lover’s play
I’m happy with the offer that you tender
To fill my dreams for each night of my life
Tonight I shall accept your last surrender
My prisoner, my lover and my wife