Moon Dreams
by cricketjeff on September 28, 2009. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Moon Dreams —
You left me floating down the river
Moon dreams —
Reflecting slowly on the sea
Left you —
With just a tendency to shiver
Left me —
With only hope and memory
Moon dreams —
When we walked and talked together
Moon dreams —
I can’t forget a single day
All gone —
With the winds and sunny weather
No more —
There’s no reason left to stay
Just those isolated Moon dreams
Floating down the river
Moon dreams —
Floating down to you
All I ever see is Moon dreams
When all I wanna see is you
Author notes
OK, so it’s just rubbish [Posts%20by%20cricketjeff%202_files/happy.gif]
But when I read your list of Miles Davis titles I got as far as Moon Dreams and
heard this in my mind.
Had to go and find the album and play the rest, and this misses out a whole
section, but still evokes the song in my head …