by cricketjeff on October 12, 2007. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
You’ve been about for eighty years
Laughed a lot and shed some tears
You’ve been a child, a nurse, a wife
Mother, Grandma, what a life!
You’ve lived through peace, and through a war.
A lot to fill your years, four score.
I’ve not yet known you fifty years
I too have laughed and cried some tears
You’ve made me dinners, quite a few
I’ve rarely given thanks to you.
My brothers and sister loved as well
And other things I shall not tell!
You helped us grow to what we are
We’ve done OK, not travelled far
Now we have children of our own
And some of those are fully grown
Time keeps passing. Years go by
They haven’t thought to tell us why.
You taught me how to bake a cake,
You picked me up from each mistake,
You accepted all my worst ideas,
You help me fight my craven fears.
You may have faults, but only some
I love you Mum!
Author notes
A work in progress