by cricketjeff on February 23, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
I want to soar like an Eagle from the top of such mountains
and watch the land paint itself in front of me
unrolling a whole life
the traces of trails
the patterns of paths
explosions of colour
in woods and water
beasts and barrenness
where man is not part of the scene
just an interloper
I want to fly high over such mountains
and touch the sky
and see the world paint itself into eternity
with the greens and the greys and the blues
etched by winter’s white in the gold of the spring sun
where morning noon and evening blur into perfection
when all is still and night unfolds its canopy
I want to sleep in an eerie
hidden in the vastness of stars
and perfection
Author notes
Just writing, drunk on words as usual. Please let me know if any of it works or
doesn’t I don’t do much free verse.