by cricketjeff on February 6, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Sweet PassionsPromise hot as coals
Consumer of all poets souls
You write with fire and make us sweat
The hottest on AP as yet
Your life is penned in dark lament
With detail that just won’t relent
And then you help us to forget
The hottest on AP as yet
Campaigning hard or having fun
No-one can say you aren’t the one
So for us all a certain bet
The hottest on AP as yet
Sweet PassionsPromise hot as coals
The hottest on AP as yet
Author notes
Kyrielle Sonnet:
A Kyrielle Sonnet consists of 14 lines (three rhyming quatrain stanzas and a
non-rhyming couplet). Just like the traditional Kyrielle poem, the Kyrielle
Sonnet also has a repeating line or phrase as a refrain (usually appearing as
the last line of each stanza). Each line within the Kyrielle Sonnet consists of
only eight syllables. French poetry forms have a tendency to link back to the
beginning of the poem, so common practice is to use the first and last line of
the first quatrain as the ending couplet. This would also re-enforce the
refrain within the poem. Therefore, a good rhyming scheme
for a Kyrielle Sonnet would be:
AabB, ccbB, ddbB, AB -or- AbaB, cbcB, dbdB, AB.