Peaceful Protest Is Your Right!

Peaceful Protest Is Your Right!
by cricketjeff on September 17, 2020.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Peacefully protesting people who kill,
Who think bloody murder on helluva thrill
And slaughtering innocent kids is a skill,
Ain’t always so easy to do.

You go on a march with a banner or flag,
You take drinks and sandwiches tucked in a bag,
Your most viscous aim is to pester and nag,
But thugs will start aiming at you.

It’s hard to stay strong when the gas grenades fly,
When a woman stood next to you loses an eye,
Policemen with shotguns aren’t painfully shy –
And think human rights aren’t your due.

A goon with a flag from a traitorous past,
Gets into a vehicle and starts to drive fast,
If you’re in the way he will not be aghast,
He’s sad he can kill just a few.

Young toughs may arrive from a neighbouring town
With illegal guns raised to “mow commies down”,
And commies means anyone just slightly brown –
There are unarmed old men to subdue!

If they do not want to see people protest,
Then they could give racist policing a rest,
And stop letting oligarchs feather their nest,
How can this idea seem so new?

Author notes

Trump talks about Frederick Douglas like he was still alive and would have
supported his calling BLM terrorists and holding children at borders. Get real.
Just because a person who wants to be the first American tyrant lies this does
not mean we citizens should not his lies despise.
