Phil Dwithate and Family.
by cricketjeff on April 4, 2011. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Old Phil Dwithate was seldom calm,
He never radiated charm,
But swore and cursed his way through life
Encouraged by his loathsome wife.
And Lace Dwithate (that was her name)
Spent every day dispensing blame
For all the faults she proudly showed
While getting ready to explode.
The worst way that this pair traduced
Was on the day they reproduced;
Their twins were worse in every way
Than decent language can portray —
A talk show welcomed Pen’s tirades,
The vilest verbal hand grenades.
Still worse than Pen was brother Bob,
A vicious and vindictive slob,
Who lied and schemed to n-th degree —
And so became our new MP!!!
Author notes
This is a contest for having fun inventing a name that sparks an image with its
play on words and then using that amusing name to write an appropriate poem.