Pie and Match!

Pie and Match!
by cricketjeff on September 15, 2011.  © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
Sean Patrick M’Creedy
Was known to be greedy
When faced with a stargazy pie
And Madeline Bookham
Existed to cook ’em
But each of the two was too shy
To set up a meeting,
Where chatter and eating
Would prove to the pair they were matched,
So friends of the parties,
Who thought themselves smarties,
Ensured that a grand plan was hatched.
The Wet Bream’s  new pie night,
Their come-in-and-try night,
Was perfect for closing the loop;
They’d meet at the table
And each would be able
To jump through that first awkward hoop.
The scheme was successful
And not at all stressful,
Now each of the pair’s in a team —
For Sean’s married Mary
Whose appetite’s scary
And Madeline’s bought “The Wet Bream!”
