by cricketjeff on November 10, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
The rivalries of men of state
The pride of petty Kings
The need to prove your nation great
The root of many things
“Our Empire always had the right
To rule your grateful Land”
The rush to own the greater might
And hold the upper hand
So many millions died for these
The thoughts of little men
And never mind our urgent pleas
They will occur again
To rush to War is seldom right
Appeasement always wrong
The peaceful sometimes have to fight
Or suffer from the strong
But surely there will come a time
When those who call for wars
Should have to answer for their crime
Not call for more applause
A border tiff, a civil strife,
An end to tribal shame
All causes that will end the life
Of those who aren’t to blame
So count to ten and think again
You need to talk not kill
The answer’s not the death of men
We’ve more than had our fill
The War to end all Wars was fought
Before the greater war
All good intentions come to naught
We just kill more and more
Remember this eleventh hour
To stand and bow your head
And then do all that’s in your power
Too many men are dead
Author notes
Rather rambling I’m afraid, just my thoughts on what is (for me here) already
the 11th of November.
Last stanza was
Remember at the ‘leventh hour
To stand and bow your head
Then do all that is in your power
Too many men are dead