Snaggleduff’s good deed
by cricketjeff on January 20, 2008. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
A grumpy looking Father Christmas
Is stuck just outside Bondnecray
He’s had a rather heavy landing
Lost a runner from his sleigh
Swiftly elves look for assistance
Running up and running down
Some of them start calling wildly
Loud enough to wake the town
Snaggleduff is sleeping lightly
Like the other girls and boys
Crosses quickly to the window
Who is making all that noise?
Snaggle’s equal to a crisis
Just like any Snaggleduff
Out the window to the bikeshed
And his stock of Snagglestuff
When there’s snow enough for sledging
On a tea-tray plays the game
Tea trays make such perfect sledges
I expect you’ve done the same
Grabs some string and large screwdriver
Follows elves to Santa’s side
When things need a bit of bodging
Have a Snaggle on your side
Back in bed our tired out hero
Goes to sleep as fast as wood
Not a sound to wake his Mother
On Christmas night you must be good
On Christmas morning Mum’s up early
Has the greatest of all shocks
There in front of all the presents
Is a giant bright red box
The Snaggleduff can’t wait for breakfast
I bet it’s just the same with you
The Giant present “Thanks, from Santa”
A Grand Prix Snaggleboard for two!!!!!
Author notes
Bondnecray is not quite like your town, there is only one family of
Snaggleduffs for a start.