Thank You Mum
by cricketjeff on November 18, 2021. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
The best of lives, when finished, leave the World a better place
Than it would be if they had never been.
And now we’re facing living without you to lead the chase
Towards the hills where future sunshine’s seen.
You never sought to bully or impose your point of view.
But gave your love without a second thought.
You always stood behind us giving praise where praise was due
And mended limbs whatever fights we fought.
I’ve loved to see you laughing as new generations came,
I’ve hated seeing you in sad distress.
But now your fight is over, you’re no longer in the game –
And thanks to you it’s not a bloody mess.
The only thing that’s left to do is beat the muffled drum;
And say for all who’ve ears to hear, a heartfelt – “Thank you Mum!”
Author notes
Sylvia Green’s heart gave up an unequal struggle around nine in the morning on
Tuesday, 94 years and 26 days into a life well lived. Four children, eight
grandchildren and two great-grandchildren (perhaps the last thing she was told
and understood was that number 3 was on the way), along with countless friends
and acquaintances, are left to mourn her passing.
Thank you Mum, it is over now, the World is certainly a better place than it
would have been without your life. You have done more than your share. always,
but the sky has lost a star. We are not sad that you died, life had become too
hard, but we are immensely sad that you are no longer here to talk to. We love
you still and always will.