Three Sky Hooks and a Packet of Spirit Level Bubbles please …
by cricketjeff on April 1, 2015. © Jeff Green, All rights reserved
A left handed hammer,
A very long stand,
A box of dark brown lights.
Beware of the scammer
Whose April is planned
Through dreary winter nights.
He won’t have been working
Just racking his brains
To try to catch you out
He’s left pitfalls lurking
He’s blocked the drains
With waterproof fix-and-grout
Each April you’ll see him
Though he’ll try to hide
His giggles will give him away
Some readers may be him
It can’t be denied
That I’ll be him some day
We’re both fools and foolers
And bystanders too
One special day each year
So clear out the coolers
Prepare to shout BOO
‘Cause April Fool’s Day’s here!